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Improve Your Drawing Skills



Welcome Everyone

Spirit Portraiture - Psychic Art - Spirit Art​

This Spirit Art program offers specialised mentorship in portraiture for beginners, intermediate, and advanced levels. To get a sense of my teaching style, you can explore student feedback from various workshops and mentorship sessions. Students Feedback


All sessions are conducted online via Zoom, lasting between 1 to 2 hours.

Upon enrollment, you will receive all necessary details. Due to the high demand and limited spots available, bookings are on a first-come, first-served basis. Refunds are only possible within the initial 48 hours, except in cases where I cancel the course, in which a full or partial refund will be issued.

There are 10 spots open for students aiming to advance as Spirit Portrait Artists. With years of experience as a working artist, I will guide you in accelerating your skills development.

While the course is not free or inexpensive, it is priced reasonably considering the valuable knowledge and expertise you will acquire, and skill development gained. Occasionally, I like to include some extra goodies for my students!

Students that pay for level 1, 2 and 3 in advance will gain a £1000, discount from the total normal price (not in additional to the early bird price), plus will gain a spot (without royalities) in my next upcoming Spirit Art book, so your artwork will be seen by the world.

Join Now

x Anne-Marie x

Art Supply
Paper Art
Paper Art
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(15) Fifteen Months Mentorship

Level 1 - Foundation from £1000  

Level 2 - Intermediate from £1100

Level 3 - Progressive from £1300

Choose to do all three for an approved recommendation os a progressive spirit artist, or choose to join any stand-alone level that suits your needs.

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Open to students of the past and new.

All levels catered for!


Level 1 - 15 Feb - 27 Sept 2025

Spirit Art Mentorship with Completion Certification £1500

(£500 early bird discount for everyone - if enrolled in full before 30th October 2024)

(or £200 discount if paying in installments with payment completed by 30 Nov 2024)

Register in advance at the same time for all three levels - before 30 January 2025 and gain a £1000 discount on the standard total price (no early bird price discounts in addition) plus gain a spot in my new spirit art book, out in 2026/2027. To accept this payment offer, please email me:

Level 1 - Foundation


Level 1 - Embark on this level to commence your journey, whether you are self-taught, a novice, or returning to drawing after a long break. This eight-month program is designed to guide you through everything necessary to progress as a Level 1 Spirit Portraiture student.


The mentorship includes topics such as attunement, setting the creative environment, materials required for spirit portraits, capturing various facial expressions, mastering proportions, drawing heads from various angles, understanding light and shading, enhancing freestyle portraits, using Graphite pencil, Biro, Charcoal, Speed drawing, creating Spirit guide drawings (mixed media), refining facial sketches, painting watercolor spirit portraits, and initiating the process of narrating the communicator story (for Level 1). Additionally, this program offers theoretical mentorship by studying renowned spirit artists of the past.


Lessons will also incorporate color, art, and interpretation, ensuring you are equipped with all the essential tools needed as a Spirit Artist. Further topics may be included based on student enrollment and skill levels.

If students are unable to attend any session dates, recordings will be available for later review on the website. The first part of the course, running from February 15 to April 26, is priced at £800. If you wish to select this option, please send me an email. Please be aware that these sessions are designed for rapid, concentrated learning. Additionally, 'knowledge work', or homework, will be assigned at the end of each lesson.


A special welcome meeting for level 1 early bird paying students, heling online 28 December 8pm with a mini demonstration by Anne-Marie, showing you what you can expect to learn. Don't miss your exclusive early birds welcome meeting.  All others see you on the first day! Appropriate links will be sent out to you within 24 hours of payment made.

Students will receive an in-house:

The Portrait of Spirit completion certificate (foundation)

If you also complete level 2 and level 3, upgrade to an Approved Certificate which includes my Personalised Recommendation

The 2025 dates

15 Feb (3 hrs) - 22 Feb (1 hr) - 15 Mar (1 hr)  

19 Apr (1 hr) -  26 Apr (1 hr)  - 17 May (1 hr)  

21 Jun (1 hr) - 19 Jul (1 hr)  - 16 Aug (1 hr)

23 Aug (2 hrs)   

27 Sep (2 hrs) - Assessment Session.

Bonus: Many sessions may be extended on various dates.

It's likely that most classes will last longer, so it's advisable to allocate an extra hour for each class.


7.00 pm UK starting time: Saturdays (UK) 2pm EST, 11am EST

(however times change when the clocks go back and forward)

Australia New Zeland Times

6.30 am UK start time

There needs to be a minimum of 7 students for this time zone to go ahead. UK and other students in different countries that also suit this timezone are most welcome.  Please email me directly if interested in this earlier starting time. Once the quota of students have expressed interest link details will follow.


​*Disclaimer: Any information may change without prior notice to best serve the students' interests. Certificates are provided internally and sent to students via email in 300dpi for personal printing and framing. Refunds are not allowed for any reason if booked more than 72 hours after payment, and cannot be transferred to another date, course, or workshop.​​​​

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Level 2 - Spirit Art Mentorship with Approval Certification £1500


A special £200 early bird discount is available to all who book before 30 May 2025, in one payment, including those who have not yet participated in Level 1. Bonus: If you have finished Level 1, you can enjoy an additional £200 discount (total £400). For the exclusive discounted payment link, kindly reach out to me directly at Remember, the early bird offer is valid only until 30 May 2025.

(or alternatively grab a £100 discount if paying in installments with payment completed by 30 June 2025)

About Level 2 - Intermediate

This level will follow on from level 1. 

Covering a wide range of exercises to enhance your drawing skills, speed, flow, and integrate your mediumship with art. Participants should have at least a level 1 - improvers drawing skill. A spirit portrait may be requested at registration to evaluate drawing ability. Throughout the intensive program, lessons will cover attunement, colour, and art interpretation, emphasising the distinction between psychic art and spirit art. Focusing on improving facial drawings, enhancing shading, and a dedicated session on drawing hair. Using pastels, painting in watercolour (various portraits and auragraphs), students will create a portrait, with a goal to enhance drawing speed and personality through facial features. In this level, students will work with Graphite pencil, charcoal and pastel chalk/pencils and powder.  The latter part of this spirit art mentorship will concentrate on private sittings, gallery-style practice demonstrations with mediums while drawing. Individualised spirit-inspired exercises will be incorporated in this mentorship, which will vary in each class.


Level 2 (Intermediate) students will receive an in-house: Portrait of Spirit Completion Certificate

If you complete level 3 also, you can upgrade this certificate for a Level 3 - Approval Certificate with my Personalised Recommendation


​The 2025 dates are 6.00 pm - 7.00 pm / 8.00 pm

04 Oct (2 hrs)

11 Oct (1 hr)

18 Oct (1 hr)

25 Oct (1 hr)

01 Nov (1 hr)

08 Nov (1 hr)

15 Nov (1 hr)

22 Nov (1 hr)

29 Nov (1 hr)

13 Dec (2 hrs) 

^Live Spirit Portrait Private Sittings Assessment^

+ ​Certificate Presentation

​6.00 pm UK starting time: Saturdays (UK) 1pm EST, 10am EST

(however times change when the clocks go back and forward)

Australia New Zeland Times

6.30 am UK start time

There needs to be a minimum of 7 students for this time zone to go ahead. UK and other students in different countries that also suit this timezone are most welcome.  Please email me directly if interested in this earlier starting time. Once the quota of students have expressed interest link details will follow.

​*Disclaimer: Any information may change without prior notice to best serve the students' interests. Certificates are provided internally and sent to students via email in 300dpi for personal printing and framing. Refunds are not allowed for any reason if booked more than 72 hours after payment, and cannot be transferred to another date, course, or workshop.

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Level 3 (2026) - Spirit Art Mentorship with Approval Certification £1300

(£200 discount if enrolled by 20th Sept 2025, limited discount offered and open only to students completed level 2)

(or alternatively, £100 discount if paying in installments with payment completed by 20th July 2025)

Level 3 - Advanced

Level 3 - Improving your art, speed, flow, evidence. This level focuses on working in a practical way using all that has been taught in level 1 and level 2.  You will take part in the presentation of your spirit portraiture with a medium who delivers the evidence (vice-versa). Entry to level 3 is open only to level 2 students.  If you are already at intermediate level and want to join the advanced programme, and have not attended level 2, this will be at the full price £1300 (discount does not apply). Email if you want to join and haven't completed level 2. A seperate link will be sent.


Level 3 is focused heavier on the production of your demonstration abliity to help you finnese, your delivery, combining your speaking and drawing, keeping the audience enagaged.  All students will participate in the first session of a live theory assessment.  This mentorship will then focus on your practical performance. By the end of this mentorship you will have completed a combination of five live mocks demonstrations/private sittings.  You will be guided how to  improve private sittings following a guideline (provided in the session), also how to conduct Spiritual Assessments.  This level will be completed with an online theorical assessment and completed with a public demonstration to ensure your progressive ability can be seen as advanced, both in your drawing capability and evidence.   On completion, I will give you a written recommendation of your ability (should you successfully pass).  This in my opinion will recognise you as a professional (working) spirit artist).  I will also cover home set-ups, equipment, social media and more.

Level 3 (Progressive) students will receive an in-house: Portrait of Spirit Completion Certificate

If you have completed level 1 and/or level 2, you can upgrade and receive a Level 3 - Approval Certificate with my Personalised Recommendation

The 2026 dates are 6.00 pm - 7.00 pm / 8.00pm 


28 Feb (2 hrs)

07 Mar (1 hr)

14 Mar (1 hr)

21 Mar (1 hr)

04 Apr (1 hr) 

11 Apr  (1 hr) 

18 Apr  (1 hr)  

09 May (2 hrs) 

16 May (2 hrs)  

 (Theory Assessment)

23 May (1 hr)   

30 May (2 hrs) - x2 Public Assessment Session

Am and Pm times will be arranged at 60 mins each.

Advanced Spirit Art Certificate rewarded to students that complete minimum 8 training classes for level 1, successful completion of theory assessment, and one public assessment session. 

6.00 pm UK starting time: Saturdays (UK) 1pm EST, 10am EST

(however times change when the clocks go back and forward)

Australia New Zeland Times

6.30 am UK start time

There needs to be a minimum of 7 students for this time zone to go ahead. UK and other students in different countries that also suit this timezone are most welcome.  Please email me directly if interested in this earlier starting time. Once the quota of students have expressed interest link details will follow.

​*Disclaimer: All information is subject to change with / without notification to keep to the interest of the students booked. Certificates are in-house and are emailed to students in 300dpi to print and frame as they choose. Refunds are not permittable for any 'reason' if booked beyond the first 72 hours of payment made, nor transferrable to any other date/course or workshop.

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Anne-Marie Bond TAP.Dip, DSNUT


Spiritualist Medium, Teacher, Speaker, Author, Mentor, Coach and Spiritual Visionary Artist.


Anne-Marie Bond DSNU(D) is an appointed tutor at Arthur Findlay College. One of the Gordon Higginson Memorial Scholarship Winners, a TAP.dip Professional (Train the Trainer) in Facilitation, Effective Presentations, Design and Delivery in Training, Coaching, and holding DTLLS for over ten years (equivalent to a Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training). A Speaker, Teacher, Medium, Book Publisher, and, as everyone knows, Spirit Artist. 

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All Rights Reserved ©2017 by SpiritualStars Training Group

Supporting learners to increase Spiritual awareness in Mediumship and Spirit Portraiture via Webinar Classes. Every lesson is experimental and no guarantees are given that any student will become either a Medium or Spirit Artist due to the Freewill and choices of each person.  Anne-Marie Bond

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